I’m thinking a lot about the 1% better idea that I heard about in one of the podcasts I’ve been More +
Living My Senior Years with Intention
In the last few years, I have spent a fair amount of time, especially since I retired, getting rid of stuff and have reached a point where I now think of myself as a Senior Minimalist in progress. As I live with less material stuff and work at only bringing things in that will improve my life, I am starting to understand that reducing the "stuff" in my life is leading me to live more intentionally.
Here are my thoughts and experiences as I go through this phase of my life.
Your Kids Don’t Want Your Stuff! Or How I Learned About Minimalism for Other People
I had an epiphany a little while ago. And here it is: your kids don't want your stuff! Here is More +
Technology – For it or against it?
I didn't think I would get caught up in emerging technology at this point in my life, but here I am. More +