Early in 2020, during our first lockdown, I discovered I was running low on certain items that I usually bought ready made. My favorite seasoning was Ducros Herbes de Provence. And I was out!! Ditto another of my favorite blends from France – Cigalou Grillade Special, which may be off the market as I write this!
I missed my trips to Penzey’s where I regularly purchased blends of herbs and spices, especially their Chicken Taco seasoning.
And then there were other items that contained ingredients I didn’t want to add to my foods, like sugar, salt, citric acid or additives to keep the item “fresh” or shaker friendly.
I decided to start making my own. It’s quicker than going to the grocery store if you have the ingredients on hand!
Hover your curser over the menu for Recipes and click on the condiment, dressing (think “salad” mostly), sauce or seasoning recipes.