OK – I have a secret! I love detective stories – Harry Bosch detective stories in particular. I can waste hours reading these books, and lately my medium has shifted to listening to them on Audible. It’s really a guilty pleasure to immerse myself in the fictional misfortunes of others and have Harry put the bad guys away.
A little while ago, I decided I would set 30 minutes of walking daily as a goal (spoiler alert – healthy habit). Sometimes that 30 minutes really seemed to drag on and on, and often I wanted to shorten it somehow. I would tell myself I only had to do 15-20 minutes, then lure myself into another 5 minutes and then another one, but I wasn’t very happy.
I can’t read books and walk at the same time. But I can listen, endlessly! So now, I (mostly) limit my guilty pleasure to when I’m on the treadmill or, on a nice day, walking outside – but always walking! Sometimes I keep going to get to the end of the chapter!
What is your guilty pleasure that you can turn into a healthy habit?